Friday, 7 May 2010

faux dichroic glass

a few of the ladies i chat to over on uks have melt pots and i was telling them i knew how to make faux dichroic glass so somehow they (and i mean you lisa LOL) talked me into a step by step on how to do it, so here goes, this is the first time i have ever done a step by step so if i get all wrong please excuse me LOL.
picture one is the materials and tools you need, black and clear utee, foils in various colours, from memory these are stix 2 foils and were really cheap, embossing ink, memory glass and frames from ranger, melt pot and heat gun.
picture two ink a memory glass piece with embossing ink and then pour black utee over it.
picture three (i've missed a picture out) but basically you use your heat gun to reheat the utee to smooth it out and to make it soft then you lay pieces of foil, colour side up onto the warm utee.
picture four use your heat gun again to heat the foil, it causes it to crackle and move around on the warm utee and it looks pretty.
picture five shows how the foil looks when it's crackled, the more you heat it the more crackle you get, i let it cool a bit here then peeled it off the glass but sometimes it won't come off, guess i was lucky this time, i also trimmed the raggy edges with scissors.
picture six pour clear utee over the whole piece.
picture seven use your heatgun again to get theclear utee nice and even all over the piece, then stick it in a memory frame, this is much easier if you have got it off the glass, if you can't get it off the glass leave it be and add a bail to the back with some glossy accents later on.
picture eight i made another one using clear and blue interference utee mixed together and did lots of thin layers and lots of heating with the heat gun to make this one
picture nine the two finished pieces, now i just need to clear up and treat the serious burns to my fingers LOL

hope you enjoy


My not so simple life said...

very pretty. particually love the blue one. :)

Allycat x said...

Thanks Debbie - looks beautiful - really must get on with my melt pot experiments!!!

Lisa said...

I love em both :-) the blue one reminds me of a blue lagoon cocktail I had once... lovely:-D

plop some lavender oil neat on the burns!


ScrappyDandyDoo said...

Ooo I like, I like, I like :D

Julie xx

MandyJane said...

Very, Very, Very pretty, I love the colours and you have sold me on the melt pot as a birthday present.

Winnie said...

Looks fantastic Debbie! Love them. Sorry you got burnt fingers creating them though!