Tuesday, 11 May 2010

a planting we will go !!!!

have spent the last week digging over the planter we have at work for the kids to dig in, it had become totally overgrown and i decided that since i had such success last year with my pot grown vegetables i would dig up all the weeds and turn it into a little veg plot, it's taken me a week to get all the roots up but finally it was ready for some plants, we have been planting indoors for weeks so we transplanted them all out today, so my little bunch of munchkins at work now have a herb garden, strawberry plants, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes, peppers, leeks and peas as well as sweet peas and sunflowers, i just hope it grows as well as the things we planted last year did. now my garden on the other hand has absolutely nothing growing in it!!! i wish i was as passionate about my own garden as i am about growing things at work LOL

suzy, you asked about my new camera, i think it takes lovely pictures but it takes ages to process them after it has actually taken them, it is very nice though, my fave cameras are always kodak ones as i have always gotten fabulous results from them, great lenses and you can pick up little point and shoots that have loads of great features relatively cheaply, all the photo's on my blog are taken with kodak cameras either my little compact one or my big zoom lens one and i confess to never taking them out of auto mode LOL hope that helps

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Sounds like you all had fun with the planting. Thanks for the reply re the cameras, will have a look at the kodak ones