Tuesday, 18 May 2010

a planting we will go part two

after the disaster that was the gardening at work last week i dug all the dead plants up today, went to b&q and bought lots more and planted those, the kids were very interested especially at the part where i was almost being sick scooping up fresh cat poo as the local cats have decided to use our garden as their toilet, of course the kids were fascinated and it was like "step away from the poo" they were all so keen to have a look LOL oh to be three again LOL

got some lovely coloured foils delivered today as i'm going to have a go at making some more faux dichroic glass at the weekend using different colours this time, slao got some gorgeous cosmic shimmer sprays, like glimmer mists but even more shimmery and sparkly, fancy spraying the blue one in my hair when i go out partying on saturday night LOL

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