Saturday, 4 May 2013

Very chuffed

To have lost seven pounds this week so i'm well on my way to losing what i had put on, onwards and downwards i go :-)

Off to see Eddie Izzard at the arena tonight and it's national scrapbooking day so going to haul my ass up to the craft room and get a few bits and bobs done, got the rest of the weekend to play too, especially with my glorious haul of paper stacks i purchased at tk maxx this morning :-) they normally have nowt in when i go but not today and since dad's out i can get them hidden upstairs before he's any the wiser LOL

1 comment:

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

hope you enjoyed eddie and NSD! You are at Wallsend! I know it very well... I hope you will pop to see us at a Ross Papercraft or Initial J show! If you try the mini book, send me some photos or your blog link as I always share. Keep popping onto FB and the blog to see all the projects. Happy scrapping, jenx