Sunday, 1 January 2012

happy new year

didn't see a great deal of the new year as i spent the night in my craft room as there was so much shite on the telly, did a couple of lo's then i was in bed for half ten with the earplugs in. never heard a thing though it took me ages to get to sleep, cos i've moved the bed around i was convinced i was going to fall out of it LOL these are the two i did, the first one had been on my desk for days cos there was something about it i just didn't like, ended up tearing it off the orange card stock i had it on, sprayed some white card stock with blue mist and started again, really liking it now :)
the cullin mountains on skye from the summit of the single track road across some more mountains we'd just come up LOL
the annual silly photo we take whenever we go passed the glencoe visitors centre LOL
have done another couple of lo's today cos i was a bit bored this afternoon but by the time i was finished them it was too dark to take photos, a job for tomorrow as well as taking all the xmas decorations down and getting the house back to some semblance of normality

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