Sunday, 13 February 2011

back online

i went to put my computer on saturday morning and noticed it didn't have an internet connection, didn't have time to ring sky cos i was on my way to the frozen north crop, but when it wasn't on when i got back i rang them straight away, they couldn't do anything over the phone so i left them to it and i got a phone call this afternoon saying they had fixed it so i'm back online, it was horrid not being able to play online like i normally do on a saturday night, mind you i did manage to get a few more squares of my quilt finished :)

here are the lo's i managed to do at the crop yesterday and another one i did this morning :)


Karen said...

Lots of fabulous LO's Debbie and great photos, I especially love the rose bud photo its beautiful :)

Sandra said...

You're way too productive Debbie LOL. Such great layouts

Lisa said...

lovely lo's Debbie
