Saturday, 23 January 2010

been feeling strangely poorly

and have been of work for the past two days, i am feeling so sick again and also have a sore throat, bad chest,and my right eye, ear and nostril are runny and itchy :( i couldn't get a docs appt but spoke to the nurse practi-tioner on the phone who said it sounds like a virus and if i'm feeling no better to go to the docs on monday, i am actually feeling a lot better though i wish i could shake off the sick feeling, also i could sleep the day away i am so tired yet at night time i am kept awake cos when i do fall asleep i'm having horrible nightmares :(

made myself get up early today in the hope i will be tired at bed time tonight and sleep, i spent the day scrapping both on my computer and in my scrap room, i managed four real paper lo's and 3 digi lo's, i'm off to the holystone crop tomorrow so i'm hoping for another five or so there so i can start catching up on my albums, i've taken photo's of the real lo's but not got them on here yet so for now you'll have to make do with my digi efforts


Sally said...

LOL love the easter bunny LO - hope you are felling better soon Debbie

Shirley said...

Loving your LO's especially the demise of the bunny !! :):) Can I have your permission to scraplift the Brrrrr frozen UK one please?