Monday, 12 January 2009

back to work

well it's been five months and five days but i went back to work today, actually being back with the kids has been fine, in fact lovely to be with them, i had lots of cuddles and kisses and had a lovely time just being with them, had a meeting with chrissie and a woman from hr, she was lovely but chrissie really upset me by saying how horrible i am when i normally have a depressive eisode and how big an impact it has on the nursery so this time was such a big surprise, gee thanks chrissie, really what i wanted to hear!!!! i will be getting a stress risk assessment to fill in and because chrissie won't actually get to see it i can be brutally honest, when i have sent that back hr woman will collate the results than we will have another meeting to work out how to help me,

was only at work for 4 hours but i'm totally exhausted, had my birthday get together, i got a nice bottle of wine and 2 lovely black and white troll beads, think i'll have to have a few more so i can have a black and white bracelet, after that i went to occ health but was only there a few minutes as he doesn't need to see me any more,

went along to asda to put my photo's in but one of the memory cards has a problem with it and it doesn't look like they are going to print the photo's out, it's all my 40th birthday ones too, i have managed to get them onto the computer so hopefully i will be able to print them off there or put them onto a cd and take that to asda

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